Reviewing Pull Requests from Vim with vim-codereview

Written in Productivity by Txus Bach — December 13, 2013

For quite some time I've been frustrated with much code reviews interferred with my normal workflow. Whereas I usually do everything from the terminal and Vim, in order to review my peers' code I had to open the URL in a browser, use a web interface and even use the mouse at times.

Once I was looking for a way to improve this, and I found a nice Vim plug-in called patchreview. It was good to review patch files, but that was definitely not convenient for GitHub Pull Requests.

So I went on and spent a few Fridays building a plug-in for this: vim-codereview, and oh what a delight! It uses the patchreview plug-in to do all the diff heavy lifting, and it interfaces nicely with GitHub.

What you can do with it is essentially reviewing the code in a nice vimdiff-like interface, commenting on a whole Pull Request and commenting on specific parts of the diff.

I set up a brief demo screencast for you to see how to use it :)

Happy reviewing!

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