Posts tagged as Jamstack

Slice Machine from Prismic

Bring a component-based mindset from the code into the editing of your JAMStack websites wit...

Anna Collins, 4 min read
JamstackConf: A virtual conference experience

These last couple of months remote work is the new normal for lots of us. The way we experie...

Núria Soriano, 5 min read
​Kill the back-end: Bring user-generated content to Jamstack with GitHub Actions

We love static sites, but there's only so much you can do without a server or database… unti...

Núria Soriano, 7 min read
Powering up static sites with Gridsome taxonomies

JAMStack is not limited to simple sites and blogs. Learn how to get the most of it with Grid...

Núria Soriano, 8 min read
Adopting the JAMStack: Building CMS-backed static websites with Vue or React

Josep Jaume, 8 min read