Unexpected programming Boost: from Humanities to GitHub
When I began working at Codegram, my main tasks and the aim of my work were to perform common administrative tasks, to help organizing the conference and to manage office issues.
As my background was in the languages sector (I studied a Translation Degree) and in the Administrative and Commercial fields, I had a professional profile ideal for such job position.
But it was my love of exploring different things and learning new IT tools, together with Codegram's flexibility and its contribution to encourage code-workers to keep training, what led me to start using GitHub, Visual Code and to manage them through the terminal.
For those of you who don’t know GitHub , it is an essential tool in the developers toolkit as it permits to make changes to projects and keep everything in sync with other collaborators working on the same project. Visual Code is a source code editor of Microsoft which includes also a Git control, the terminal I'm currently using.
With this carte blanche to explore my multitasking skills and thanks to my Codegram workmates who taught me these programming tools, my job position turned into an unexpected work pitch that included not only working as an office manager, but also doing these simple programming tasks which reduced the workload of the team. At the end of the post I list some training resources I used.
Now, 7 months after my start, I find myself working in this new technology world, a world where, unfortunately, women remain the exception to the rule. Now, I don't want to quit it! Actually, I want to learn more about programming and expand my professional profile to the limits only time will tell.
I write this after our yearly retreat and I can say I'm lucky enough to work at Codegram: thank you for growing me up and, above all, thank you for the canyoning experience!! :D
Training resources:
- A free programming course in a high-recommended page, Platzi, which offers lots of courses related to marketing, design and programming and that are taught by top industry leaders like Freddy Vega (@freddier): https://platzi.com/clases/programacion-basica/
- GitHub tutorials: https://try.github.io
- Visual Studio Code - Integrated Terminal: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal and https://github.com/codepath/ios_guides/wiki/Using-Git-with-Terminal