Introducing Monday Talks at Codegram

Written in Culture by Txus Bach — February 06, 2012

We've been noticing an increasing knowledge specialization ever since we doubled our team earlier last year, going from the 3 cofounders to a team of 6 people. This is a natural process, but sharing knowledge has become a bit trickier. As a company we sell knowledge, thus it's our most valuable asset — and sharing it among the team (and outside it) is crucial to increase our value.

Although we do have a set of common places to share knowledge (from an internal Google Groups site to various link-sharing tools), achieving the same level of specialization in all the fields is a hard task.

Given this, we had an idea: why don't we prepare weekly talks about software and computer science in general, and expose them to our peers every Monday? So we did this: Monday Talks is about sharing knowledge with your peers, improving your public speaking skills, and most importantly — having fun while doing it!

We've set up a site where we publicly upload the slides for our talks.

Also, if you want us to give an extended version of any of this talks at your company or university, with more examples, bibliography and Q&A, contact us :)

This week's talks

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